Conservatory Spaces
These on-campus spaces enable us to provide a training experience that is suited to and enhanced by the environment. We are committed to creating and maintaining and uplifting culture of quality, integrity, inspiration, and care in everything we do.
Each of these unique spaces serve a distinct purpose and are furnished with different equipment and materials suited to that purpose.

The Met
Introducing, JAC’s newest studio and performance space, The Met.
‘Met’ is short for the Greek word ‘Metanoia,’ meaning both transformation and repentance. It is our hope that this space and this school would be used to help transform and revive both individuals and the arts culture in South Africa.
With a large reception area and JAC merchandise display, students have plenty of room to warm up and get ready for class. We keep the fireplace and studio heaters running throughout winter to ensure that students keep warm and supple on the wood sprung floors and ballet mats.
The Met doubles as an outdoor theatre venue with full lighting and sound capabilities. Look out for performance announcements as you won't want to miss these incredible experiences under the starry sky!

Öva Studio
With big glass windows and skylights, this upstairs venue overlooks the tree tops.
The Öva Studio is specially equipped with pilates and fitness equipment, in addition to sprung floors and ballet mats.
'Öva' was inspired by the Swedish verb, meaning ‘to practice or train.’ The Öva Studio remains in use as JAC expands to accommodate more students and classes.

The Lab
This smaller studio caters to private & duo strengthening classes, as well as pilates rehabilitation utilising state-of-the-art Basi equipment.
Private Physiotherapy assessments and treatments also take place here for JAC dancers.

The Pergola
This unique outdoor deck doubles as both a performance space and a summer studio.
During warm months, we enjoy hosting select classes here. Our students find this change of scenery and sunshine to be refreshing and rejuvenating for their creative and emotional state of mind. And who doesn't like a spontaneous jump in the pool after a hot & hard day's work!